Samsung Relumino cares sustainable
life for everyone
Learn how to use various features of Relumino.
1. Tap Relumino icon in smartphone
2. Connect Relumino glass to the smartphone
3. Confirm the message 'The glass is connected'
* In case of connection fail, restart the app and try reconnecting the glass
Put on the glass
Confirm the message 'The glass is connected'
Adjusting Focus
1. Rotate the rim of the lens to adjust focus
2. Close right eye and adjust left rim
3. Close left eye and adjust right rim
4. Ensure the focus is properly tuned with both eyes open
Zoom In
Place two fingers
on the screen and
spread them apart to zoom in
Zoom Out
Place two fingers
on the screen and
pinch them together to zoom out
Zoom In
Place one finger
on the screen and
swipe upwards to zoom in
Zoom Out
Place one finger
on the screen and swipe
downwards to zoom out
Increase Brightness
Press volume up button to
increase brightness
Reduce Brightness
Press volume down button to
reduce brightness
Increase Contrast
To increase the contrast of colors,
place one finger on the screen and
press volume up button
Reduce Contrast
To reduce the contrast of colors,
place one finger on the screen and
press volume down button
Place two fingers on the screen and press volume up button to change edge colors
*Edge colors are toggled by repeatedly pressing volume up button Edge OFF -> Edge 1 -> Edge 2 -> Edge 3 -> Edge 4
Place two fingers on the screen and press volume down button to change inverted colors
*Inverted colors are toggled by repeatedly pressing volume down button Color Inversion OFF -> Color Inversion 1 -> Color Inversion 2 -> Color Inversion 3 -> Color Inversion 4